رشتہ کیوں ٹوٹتا ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔؟؟؟؟part one 51 Subtle Breakup Signs You Should Know

51 Subtle Breakup Signs You Should Know Getting dumped by someone you love is painful but something more painful is getting dumped at an unexpected time. There’s never a better time to break up as most of the times, the two parties are not ready to break up at the same time, there’s no mutual agreement. Most breakups occur when one needs the other the most or when one is unaware of the signs leading to a break up in any relationship. Not every relationship has a happy ending, some ended because of him or because of her. So when it eventually happens, it leaves one as the victim of break up, it hurts deep down the heart. Although, no one would want to experience a sudden breakup in a relationship. The popular saying “nothing lasts forever“, will always remind us of the importance to be aware of such happenings as it could happen to anyone. It could happen to you! So let’s take a look at these subtle signs your partner is trying to break up but don’t know how to say it. 51 Break up signs your partner wants to leave you: 1. Tampered communication effect of lack of communication in a relationship Most relationships are built on effective communication, you’re not the only one who’s always wanting to be on the phone with their lovers at the start of a new relationship and as time goes on. You’re not also the only one who would leave work on time just to go home and talk with your partner, but when he/she stops doing such, then he’s actually about to end the relationship. 2. Several arguments too many argument in a relationship If the argument is becoming too many, and a type that you can never win even when it is obvious you’re right, then your relationship is at the verge of collapse. Unhealthy arguments are not usually ending in peace, and can result in fights and endless quarrels. This will eventually ache or break in entirety the relationship you have built over the years. 3. Comparison sets in comparing your partner with others The worst of it all is when your partner begins to compare you with their friends, or trying to evaluate between you and your friends who do a particular thing better. If comparison sets in, definitely they’re trying to break up with you because they’ve seen an alternative. Someone they can easily switch to if care is not taken. 4. You’re becoming irritating you're becoming irritating to your partner Once they’re done with you, everything you do or everything about you becomes automatically irritating. They can easily sigh when it has to do with things about you. Even when your performances attract applauds from others, they won’t show support or concern about you. 5. Lack of attention to wellbeing your partner is no longer paying attention to you When they no longer care like before, they’re not asking you of how you’re doing and trying to help you overcome your challenges. Even if you’re sick they won’t be moved by that, they don’t really care how it turns out to be. If your partner shows less concern about you, then you are likely to lose them over a breakup. 6. No quick text reply test messages and calls ignored Almost everyone is close to their mobile phones and can quickly reply text messages or return a call without further delay. When it begins to take a bunch of time to receive a reply from your partner, then there’s something fishy. They may want to break up but don’t know how to say it or what to say. You’re no longer their priority, your text messages of today get their replies some days or hours later that’s even if they’ll reply. 7. Forgetting important dates special events Special days are left to show more concern and love when your partner forgets such important relationship dates like; your birthday, or your relationship anniversary, just know they’re beginning to lose interest in you especially when they’re never seen acting in such manner before. Your partner who used to be the first to remind you of special events with their lovely surprises suddenly turns adamantine of it all at the twinkle of an eye. This is one of the biggest red flags to let you know your relationship is at stake and can blow off in no distance time. 8. Shooting excuses giving excuses in a relationship If your partner is beginning to give you unnecessary excuses for not doing what you expect them to do, then there’s something fishy, it is one among the subtle signs they want to leave you and break up. Common relationship excuses include claiming to be so tired or not in the mood to play, eat together or do anything that can engage you and make you smile, even watching their favourite movie show together can be a hard thing to do. 9. Less attracted or enthusiast no longer attracted to you in a relationship You’re appearing less attractive to them and they’re no longer enthusiast about the sexual intimacy stuff. They’re beginning to hate you and all they can see is the ugly you, this will perhaps lead to them dumping you unexpectedly. 10. Starts keeping secrets keeping secrets in a relationship They don’t want to tell you about what’s new in their life because they no longer care or they think you actually don’t care too, and it doesn’t matter whether you know or not. They suspect your moves and feel so insecure telling you anything about their future plan or they’re not saying a thing so you won’t find out they already have someone else they’re seeing without your knowledge of it.
