How to lose weight during pregnancy

is It Healthy and safe to Lose Weight During Pregnancy? Posted byqazisaleem87515th Dec 2019Posted inUncategorized Most of the women suffer from overweight during pregnancy. This period is full of risk complications. The woman is most likely cases have to be operated cesarean (c-section) according to the National Institutes of Health. To avoid these complications pregnant women need to lose weight while pregnant if the bodyweight mass index is gigantic. The ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology ) try always to motivate women to have a healthy body and weight before starting the pregnancy period. The organization experts said that even a small change in body weight can make a change and difference. Obesity leads to many problems before and after pregnancy. So before this period, it’s recommended to lose weight and maintain the body shape stable. You can just fixe a target of 5 to 7 percent of your weight during your program of weight loss. It’s enough to enhance your health and draw the road to a healthier pregnancy.Advertisement The problem is when you fail to get a normal body weight with a mass index over the limit even you have respected your program of exercise or diet. The pregnancy period started without achieving your goals of weight loss. What you will do if get pregnant before reaching the main goal which is losing weight and having a healthier body. Dr. Julie Rhee advises pregnant women to do not stop their diet and exercise program even they didn’t the success it before pregnancy. Dr. Rhee is a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist and Director of the Preimplantation Genetic Screening Program at Vios Fertility Institute in St. Louis. She has two certifications in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI). Dr. Julie said that any pregnant women can start a healthy diet during pregnancy. This diet consists of exercise and portion control Can I start a Diet During Pregnancy without any Risk? According to Dr. Rhee following a program of diet during pregnancy can be hard to accomplish. Because it’s very important to a balanced meals diet while pregnant. But she adds if you are practicing a diet program with watching portion control, this can a healthy habit to pursue during pregnancy. She advises also if you are using supplementary products to boost your program it’s recommended to consult your health care in order to be sure that they are safe for your health and baby. The doctor also mentioned that any diet containing instructions to eliminate certain food should be avoided. Can I make Exercise During Pregnancy without any Risk? Specialists of diet and exercise recommend generally physical exercise during pregnancy. But what if you became sedentary? Or what if your program includes an exhausting activity that may impact pregnancy? Dr. Felice Gersh, M.D. recommends to avoid activity with high rhythm and impact during exercise and continue the same rhythm you have adopted before pregnancy. Dr. Gersh is a board-certified OB/GYN who is also fellowship-trained in integrative medicine. She mentioned that your goals should be fixed on your health not weight loss to stay healthy during pregnancy. Dr. Rhee insists that exercise is the best program to follow during your pregnancy. But, women should not increase activity and do hard exercises. Pregnancy Weight Loss Program vs. Reduced Weight Gain After getting pregnant, you should visit an obstetrician first in order to draw a plan for your next nine months’ life. During your first meeting, you will ask how you can organize your nutritious eating and exercise. You will have a discussion about your weight progression. Without focusing on your meal habits and weight loss plan, it is very recommended to have a good progression on weight gain rather than weight loss. Your specialist physician may use habitual recommendations and tailor them to respond to your needs. (Continue reading on the next slide) Advertisement
